The club "Brownies" in New York Citys East Village from the outside could
be a bit menacing, once inside you see a
atmosphere. It's a small bar/club with a stage, votive candles burning on
the bar and the clientele was quite normal compared to some clubs I have
seen various bands in through the years. Quite an enjoyable
ce and
a perfect spot for the BLUE BOTTLES showcase tour.
There were I think 5 bands playing the night of June 5th...the first being "the Blue Bottles" The band consisted of Duncan Faure (vocals and Keyboard, Guitar), Ian Mitchell(Bass), Erik Lannon(Drums) and Mark Townsend(vocals and Lead Guitar).
The band took the stage at 8 pm, to an enthusiastic audience of approx. 45 people. Right away you got into the music of this highly energized band!! The music was Rockin with a few beautiful ballads thrown in. The Only BCR song they sang was "Rock and Roll Love Letter" which was fine with this crowd of fans, we came to see Duncan and were not expecting any of the same old stuff...and Duncan came through for us! Duncans voice was amazing and his keyboard ability equally as professional..add that with the High energy drumming of Erik Lannon, the awesome guitar cords as well as the amazingingly Clapton-esque sound of Mark Townsends voice and Ians Bass....well it was a tight wrapped professional band.
The set included :
Rock And Roll Love Letter
The Way I Like It
Happy Today
New Today *
Brother +
A Time for Us
Come Dance With Me
Kinder Peaceful World *
Let It Be Right *
* from the 1993 album "Come 'n get it"
+ from the 1996 album "For the Rights of all Man"
There were quite a few Record Executives there watching and listening to
the band as well as intently watching the
crowds reaction
to this band. We gave them what they
wanted without
even realizing it..the music was the key, we danced, sang, yelled and cheered
for more. Let hope these music industry big wigs take note of this band and
get them signed to a deal soon! They are a 1st class band and we want more
of them! If you have the opportunity to see this not delay..GO!!
You will not regret it. Don't go expecting a BCR revival...but go to see
a new upcoming band that has the ability, talent and drive to go places..and
this fan is rooting for them 150%!
A Fan
Thanks Gigi for the pictures