Bay City brother nurses pop star after heart attack
HEART attack Bay City Roller Alan Longmuir is beeing helped back to fitness
- by his ex-Roller brother Derek.
The 43-year-old
cardiac ward nurse last night vowed: "I've help him through his
Derek, who works in Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, is giving big brother ALan,
45, vital advice after his attack. After beeing released from hospital yesterday,
Alan told the Record: "I'll be listening to Derek, He's the boss.Derek said:
"This is a bit of a warning. He'll have to take some time off." Alan added:
"That means no playing for some time and I'll have to cut down on the
The tartan rocker was rushed to hospital after collapsing in Stirling and
put on a life-support machine.
When he was hit by the attack, he thought he had INDIGESTION.
He said: "The pain just wouldn't go away. It was terrible.
"I've never smoked and I thought I was too young for a heart attack."